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All of randolph county indiana obituaries Contributed by Sandra Mumah Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. 12/18/1893. You may link to this page with prior permission, provided no fee is required to access the link, but no commercial use of this material is permitted. He married Leona Moistner forty years ago the 14th day of last April who The Randolph County, Indiana, INGenWeb family history site is maintained by Phyllis Fleming. EVERLY ATTENDS EUB CONFERENCE----- Rev. A Randolph County Area Newspaper October 12, 1950-----Orley Ohler, 75, Dies In Hospital At New Castle----- Orley Ohler, 75, a farmer of near Losantville, died in the Henry County hospital at New Castle at 3:03 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1893----- OWENS, John R. He had been seriously ill following a stroke five days ago. S__son Hinshaw in charge. He joined the Christian church at Philadelphia. 1, 1893 age 11yrs s/o Elijah and -- (Rockett The Randolph County, Indiana, INGenWeb family history site is maintained by Phyllis Fleming. Orpha Aumiller, 65, 430 Sycamore St. Nov. He was born December 8, 1920 in Winchester, IN son of the late Lelbourn R. She attended Randolph County High School, later furthering her Read More View local obituaries in Randolph County, North Carolina. The Muncie Morning Star Saturday, May 25, 1940----- A Randolph County Area Newspaper April 3, 1913----- Rhoda C. J. , both 79y of age d. , Indiana, March 15, 1895; aged seventy-three years, two months, and one day. twp. She came to this county in 1838 and was a mem. Stephen Speed, they had 2 dts and 1 son. Abbott died August 9, 1885 after a short illness. . Grimes, and he died December 10, 1969. Copying is permitted for noncommercial, educational Browse obituaries and leave condolences for loved ones at Wilson-Shook Funeral Homes. , died Saturday morning in Dayton, Ohio after a four-year illness. Surviving are the husband, Richard; one daughter, Virginia at home; three sons, Byron, Roy and John, all at home; her mother, Mrs. A Randolph County Area Newspaper June 24, 1949-----Thomas Fields, Retired Farmer, Succumbs At 79----- Thomas J. Floyd Everly went to Indianapolis Monday afternoon to attend the One Hundred Twenty Sixth Session of Indiana Conference South of the Evangelical United Brethren Church. A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1892----- NICKEY, Lewis Earl, s/o J. A native and lifelong resident of Wedowee, Annetta was born on Jan. Contributed by Bob Lykins The Randolph County, Indiana INGenWeb family history site is maintained by Phyllis Fleming. The Muncie Star Saturday, March 31, 1963----- UNION CITY - Mrs. last Fri, July 14, 1893 of Dropsy and heart trouble, bur. 6/15/1823. the d/o J. 20, 1888 of measles. A Randolph County Area Newspaper July 23, 1954-----REV. You may link to this page with prior permission, provided no fee is Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. Burial was made in Fountain Park cemetery. Copying is permitted for noncommercial, educational use by individual CARRIER:-- Elizabeth Carrier, whose maiden name was Miller, was born in Pendleton County, W. 10/1876 Born Trenton NJ ae 85y. Children and husband surv. In 1867 she was united in marriage to Miles Tucker, to this union was born two daughters, Anna Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. They d. A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1882----- He died of old age. You may link to this page with prior permission, provided Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. He was 73. He was the only son. , An old citizen of Stoney Crk. Copying is permitted for noncommercial, educational use by individual scholars and libraries. NAME: HOGAN, BRENT A. Bur Ridgeville Cem. Smithson, 38, former teacher in Jay and Randolph counties, passed away at 8:40 p. Adelsperger was filed Monday with the Clerk of the Randolph Circuit Court. Thelma M. A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1883-----MARSH Arch resp res near Deerfield de 1/22/1883. She was born to Anna M. 10, 1910, the daughter of Jasper and Anna (Flesher) Carder. N. , October 20, 1888, aged 52 years, 1 month and 17 days. Hoke and acquired a thorough knowledge of watchmaking. Farmland Enterprise July 29, 1904-----Obituary -- Nola Lealle Hawk was born September 19, 1884 and died July 23, 1904; aged 19 years, 10 months and 4 days. The Winchester Daily March 14, 1918-----MISS LOUISE NEIL DIES AT VORHIS HOME----- Louise Neil, a resident of the Hetty Vorhis home, died Sunday night. Thursday at the union City hospital. Winchester is the County Seat. Monday, Aug. Newspaper All Obituaries. Hutchens, 87, of Farmland, who died at 10 o'clock Friday night at the Randolph County Hospital, will be conducted at 10 o'clock Sunday morning at the Thornburg mortuary in Farmland with Rev. She was united in marriage to Allen McVey on October 2, 1876. He graduated in 1939 from Clarence E. July 29, 1889 d. A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1893----- THORP, Daniel, of near Lynn Ind. The Indiana General Assembly authorized the formation of Randolph County from Wayne County in January 1818 to take effect in August 1818. Claude Ross, of Union Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. DATE: 02-28-25; CHARGES: DOMESTIC BATTERY; AGENCY Obituaries. U. A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1894----- MOWERY, Michael, found dead last Wed. The Union City Evening Times Tuesday, July 14, 1936-----Last Will of the Late Charles C. and Wesley D. w/o Hosea T. A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1892----- BUTTERWORTH Joseph, b. In 1854 moved to Cherry Grove, Indiana, lived with children, and were she died in 1855. In 1854 he moved to Howard county, Indiana. at the Saratoga U. Anacker, 71----- MUNCIE - Robert L. Adelsperger Filed For Probate----- Winchester, Ind. Hoke in Winchester, Ind. A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1884----- PURSLEY, Mary Alice, d. A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1888----- ISENHART, Eliza, b. His funeral was held at the Christian church Tuesday afternoon the address being delivered by Eld. McCracken, daughter of Robert and Sarah McCracken, was born in Licking county, Ohio, September 3, 1836 and died in Randolph county, Ind. He was of a family of ten children, all having Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. The Muncie Star Sunday, March 31, 1963----- The Randolph County, Indiana INGenWeb family history site is maintained by Phyllis Fleming. ----- Elwood Laisure, 75, Winchester, died at the Randolph County hospital Wednesday morning at 7 o'clock, death being due to complications incident with advanced age. Ota Oyler, of Winchester, Indiana, aged 82 years, 8 months and 5 days. A Winchester Area Newspaper June 9, 1921 Ind. near Lynchburg VA 6/11/1828-d. 13, 1844. William Sarff, Dec. by a very sck dt. Arthur Keener died this morning in Farmland, another daughter of Ad. , KY], being the sixth child in a family of 12 children, all of whom have died except two; Elijah P. Nov 14, 1867-d. For example, Randolph County, Indiana obituaries might reveal to you that the subject was born in 1957, and that she had four siblings. Born at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, August 1810. Tuesday at the family home four miles north of Farmland. also the husband dec'd. Copying is permitted for noncommercial, educational Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. in Ohio; d. Wayne Co. She was married May 14, 1938 to James W. d. A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1894----- NEEDHAM, Wesley, d. Mr. , and here in the north part of the city, she has spent all of her life almost in the same neighborhood. Married 1849 to Mary Pagett. New Dayton. AUDITOR DEAD----- Enos Tillson, a pioneer resident of Randolph county, living in Greensfork township, passed away Sunday at the home of his son, County Auditor Charles E. A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1892----- SPEED, Nancy E. The Muncie Star Press Friday, October 13, 2006-----Deborah Lynn Ulmer, 57----- YORKTOWN - "Debby" as she was known by friends and loving family members, passed to a better place on October 11, 2006. Mar. A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1885----- Samuel H. The Randolph County, Indiana, INGenWeb Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. He died at the home of his daughter in Greenville, Ohio Aug 4, 1923, at the Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. There is considerable ill feeling about the ptace of burial as her children wanted her Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. Farmland, R,C. Internment will be in the Woodlawn cemetery. Botkin, County Native Dies At Muncie----- Elmer E. in Spartansburg. , IN with her parents when seventeen years old, at the time that part of Indiana was almost Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. He had been (WEDOWEE) Minta Annetta Knight Moss, affectionately known as Annette, of Wedowee, passed away Saturday, Feb. HOCHSTEDLER, son of Gabriel and Marie TROYER HOCHSTEDER, was born March 17, 1840, in Hudson county, Ohio, and died June 13, 1914, age 74 years, 2 months and 26 days. 14, 1886 age 79yrs, bur. Copying is permitted for noncommercial, educational Eliza J. To this union were born two sons, Edward of Winchester, and Carl of Muncie, Ind. (Bud) Mills, 80, Farmland, died at Ball Memorial Hospital on Thursday, Feb 28, 2002, after a sudden illness. P. R. , and Mattie b. 2/191892 ae 78y 7m 21d. at Ball Memorial hospital in Muncie. Survivors are the wife, Lurrel; three stepsons, Eugene, Keith, John M. A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1891----- CAMPBELL, James H. killed in R. Arment, son of William O. Thence to Henry Co IN 1852 In 1861 came to RC near Huntsville. She m. bur, prob in Spartansburg Cem. in R. 1863-d. The Winchester Daily January 31, 1918----- George W. 8 Days. The Winchester Daily March 7, 1918-----VENERABLE FATHER OF CO. Her husband, Cecil, died in 1960. March 31, 1932 - February 28, 2025 . Vincent Randolph Hospital in Winchester. IN 1/2/1891 ae 62y 7m 19d. OH Dec. , b. Summarized by Sandra Mumah Newspaper Articles Index Main Page. 4,1862, they had 8 children, husband and children surv. Fields, 79 year-old retired farmer of near Saratoga, passed away at 11:45 p. You may link to this page with prior permission, provided no fee is The Indiana General Assembly authorized the formation of Randolph County from Wayne County in January 1818 to take effect in August 1818. 2 sons and 7 dts. The deceased was a native of North Carolina, and removed to Indiana in 1822, and shortly after to the farm on which he died; thus making him a citizen of Randolph county for nearly forty years. H. and Axamarila Arment, was born at Windsor, Indiana, May 30, 1869, and died July 21, 1904, aged 35 years, 2 month and 22 days. Yost, daughter of Anthony and Sarah Yost, was born in Randolph county near Winchester, Indiana, December 10, 1884, and departed this life from her late home in Winchester Wednesday morning, May 15, 1929, having reached the age of 84 years, 5 months and 5 days. Copying is permitted for noncommercial, educational use by individual scholars and Funeral Services for Mrs. Double Fun. & Eliz. Pioneers of this county liv. com, the most timely and Mar 22, 2024 · browse over 25 Randolph County & Winchester, Indiana obituary indexes, All Obituaries - Walker Funeral Home offers a variety of funeral services, from traditional Feb 17, 2025 · View Winchester obituaries on Legacy, the most timely and comprehensive Feb 14, 2025 · Browse Winchester News-Gazette obituaries, conduct other obituary searches, offer condolences/tributes, send flowers or create an online memorial. Randolph County, Indiana obituaries further detail where the woman in question Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. 31, 2024, at her home. Ridgeville, IN. The son of Parson & Jane Frazier. and Samantha Stewart, was born September 23, 1839, near Hollansburg, Ohio. He was the bro/o. One sister, Jane Heitzman, resides at Union City, Indiana. Departed this life April 3, 1913, aged 69 Years 7 Mo. Union City paper 10/7/1880. He was born on September 15, 2005, in Greenville, OH to Michelle Roth-Nunley. Buried Fountain Pk. Breadcrumbs. She was the widow of William Riley Hutchens. Copying is permitted for noncommercial, educational use by individual scholars Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. Despite his humble beginnings on a small farm at the end of Turkey Mountain Road in Amherst County, he went on to travel the world with the Air Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. The Muncie Star Muncie, Delaware Co. Church, bur: Salem (Or Selma?). Rogers, eldest daughter of Orson & Hester Rogers, was born in Theresa, New York, August 25,1843. With his parents he moved to Jackson Township, Randolph County, Indiana in 1852. died last Sat. in Saratoga Cem. 21, 1891 ae 43y 5m 5d. He A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1927-----OBITUARIES RUFUS KING Rufus King, son of John and Mary King, was born near Westchester, Pennsylvania, on September 15, 1844, and departed this life May 20, 1927, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ross. Copying is permitted for noncommercial, educational use by individual researchers Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. Copying is permitted for noncommercial, educational use by individual scholars and EDWARDS — Henry Edwards was born in Gilford [sic] county, North Carolina, March 2, 1795. Mem. Tillson, of this city, at the ripe old age of eighty years. In January 1902, he was happily converted to God and expressed his faith in Jesus Christ. Serv. Botkin Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. Pat is preceded Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. Pet Obituaries. W. At the age of sixteen, Sister Carrier joined the United Brethern in Christ. of the Christian Church. - The will of Chas. Leave a sympathy message to the family in the guestbook on this memorial page of Randolph Doncilovic to show support. Ames b. John Isenhart Sept. Peyton Randolph Thomas was born on March 31, 1932, the last of ten children to Dudley and Connie Thomas. Copying is permitted for noncommercial, educational use by individual researchers and libraries. First settled in 1819, by 1849 it contained 151 houses, of which 11 were brick, with a population of about 750. Apr. A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1882----- NEFF, Lewis, died 9/8/1882 ae 73y. at his home in Vincennes Oct. WorldCat Feb 24, 2025 · (WEDOWEE) Minta Annetta Knight Moss, affectionately known as Annette, of Frederick Ingle, son of William and Rachael Ingle, was born near the village of Harrisville, in Wayne Township,Randolph County, Indiana, August 28, 1843, and departed this life November 5, 1925, at the age of eighty-two years, two months and seven days. A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1893----- WERTS, Rolland, s/o Wm. White River Cem. m. “Chicky Randolph” McMahon, 90, of Indiana, went to be with her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, on Dec. R. A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1898-----The Heavy Veteran Dead----- James F. Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries Imel. She had been in ill health for several years. Cleo Hockett in Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. The Muncie Star Press Saturday, March 20, 2004-----Mary Charlotte Grimes, 94-----WINCHESTER - Mary Charlotte Grimes age 94, Winchester, died early Friday. Mahala, was burned to death yesterday (Feb. The Randolph County, Indiana INGenWeb family history site is maintained by Phyllis Fleming. Mabel was born on September 19, 1921 in Zelma, IN to the late James and Lena (Stipp) Cummings. On the 24th of June 1841, she Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1891----- OXLEY, Rachel R. Copying is permitted for noncommercial, educational use by individual Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. 15, 2025, at the age of 66. Provision is made for just debts and funeral expenses. Warren. Orla and Mrs. Elydia Sipe of Ridgeville, and one sister, Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. When he was six years old, his father removed to the farm at the edge of Maxville, where he resided until his death in 1871, after which Uncle Henry took charge of Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. in Wash. Send flowers, find service dates or offer condolences for the lives we have lost in Randolph County, North Carolina. S. June 2, 1893 at Harrisville near Jericho, of inflamation of the Stomach. Aug. A Randolph County Area Newspaper March 17, 1927-----WILLIAM JENKINS DIES ----- William Jenkins, familiarly known, to all of our citizens as "Bill Jenks" at the county infirmary. A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1894----- AMES Ernest Granville, s/o H. The Muncie Star Press Wednesday, March 24, 2004-----Forrest "Bud" Skinner, 83----- Forrest "Bud" Skinner, 83, of 3102 Ohio 502, Greenville, Ohio, passed away Monday afternoon March 22, 2004 at Reid Hospital in Richmond, IN. (Aikens) Dunmire in Armstrong Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. within an hour of each other of la Grippe. Wm. d 1/15/1875 ae 30y U. Baird-Freeman Funeral Home Jay County, Indiana February 18, 2019----- Penny Ime age 71, former Portland resident passed away Thursday, February14, 2019 in Parkview Randalia in Fort Wayne. Lee died at his home in Bangor village at 2:10 a. A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1893----- ELLIS Peter and wife Gladis J. The Commercial Review Wednesday, July 16, 2003-----Rephald Slusher----- Services were held today for Rephald "Reffie" Slusher, 61, Ridgeville, who died Sunday at Ball Memorial Hospital, Muncie. Rachel, daughter of John and Sarah Kidder, was born in Ohio on the seventeenth day of February, 1820 and died at the home of her son John (John Wesley Odle) at Windsor, IN, March 23, 1908, aged 88 years, 1 month and 6 days. The Winchester Daily March 21, 1918----- Mrs. near Yadkinville in N. and Catherine (Slagle) Werts b. Williams, 80 years old Farmland resident, died at the Randolph county hospital at 8:30 p. A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1887----- GILLUM, Dianah, d/o Benj. The Farmland Enterprise Farmland, Indiana February 18, 1898----- Amanda Boid Ross, the daughter of James [Jacob?] and Elizabeth [Denton] Ross was born August 21, 1828 [in Fleming Co. Contributed by Sandra Mumah. , 88, of Lynn, passed away peacefully on Monday, February 3, 2025, at his residence. On Apr. Randolph county, Indiana, Thomas Worth, in the 62d year of his age. Needham. The Randolph County, Indiana, INGenWeb family history site is maintained by Phyllis Fleming. 4/2/1894 Bur. m. He was born in Winchester, IN to Donald and Mary Margaret (Monroe) Anacker on December 23, 1934. He was educated in the public schools of Winchester where he spent his boyhood days. The Union City Times 1881----- Died Tuesday, 11 Oct 1881 The Randolph County, Indiana, INGenWeb family history site is maintained by Phyllis Fleming. Nickerson of the M. While young he entered the store of W. A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1894 COUNTY INFIRMARY DEATHS----- HOLMES-- aged man bur 12/9/1894. He was of a family of twelve children, all of which except Fred having long since left the old home community, he having Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. Copying is permitted for noncommercial, educational use by Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. 11, 1893. Anacker, 71, passed away at Ball Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, September 12, 2006 after a brief illness. E. A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1875----- GIST Amanda J. Botkin, 87-year-old retired Muncie Attorney, passed away Monday at 10:15 p. The Farmland Enterprise March 4, 1904-----Obituary -- Henry Taylor McIntire was born on a farm three miles west of Winchester, November 18, 1820. She, with her parents, emigrated to Randolph county, Indiana, in the year 1837, and spent the most of her life in said county. Feb 10, 2025 · Devon Lumpkin 19 of Richmond, IN passed away unexpectedly on February 20, 2025, in Randolph County. A Randolph County Area Newspaper October 18, 1949-----Elmer E. Buried Winchester Cemetery. Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. She lost a life-long battle with diabetes and its many complications. Oct. It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of Randolph Doncilovic of Elkhart, Indiana, who passed away on February 28, 2025, at the age of 60, leaving to mourn family and friends. John Frazier, at the residence of Ephraim Oren, in Randolph County, Indiana. A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1885----- OYLER Gracie, d/o Orta & Ina May (Campbell), d. Cem. Born in York County Pennsylvania, on January 6, 1780. Laisure, 75-----Elderly Winchester Man dies at Hospital Wednesday a. A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1880----- FARLEY John J. Born Feb. Newspaper Articles Index Main Page. 1 day ago · View Randolph County obituaries on Legacy. Minnie Fraze, all of near Winchester. The Muncie Star Press Thursday, September 14, 2006-----Robert L. A native of Rushville, she was a former teacher in Rush County. A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1893----- ULLERY, Infant, s/o George and -- (Miller) both b. The Farmland Enterprise July 29, 1904----- Obituary -- Charles F. Mary Fisher, youngest daughter of Jacob and Delilah Fisher, was born in Randolph County, Indiana, on what is known as the old Fisher farm, July 17, 1856, departed this life at the home of her son, Charlie Colyer, in Farmland, Indiana, on the evening of May 28, 1918, aged 61 years, 10 months and 11 days. He is survived by the widow and the following children: Dora, Ray, Mrs. A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1882----- JOBES John, d. A Randolph County Area Newspaper Saturday - October 12, 1950 -----Frank Newman Dies; Funeral Rites----- Omer Franklin (Frank) Newman, age 80, died at the Reid Memorial hospital in Richmond this morning. Ethel Harris and Mrs. A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1886----- SARFF Mrs. , wf/o Stephen and d/o Timothy and Tamar Holloway b. Hancock, son of Watson and Elizabeth Hancock, the subject of this biography was born May 2, 1851, and departed this life, January 13, 1918, aged 66 years, 8 months, and 11 days. church. Prominent in Muncie and Delaware county until his retirement in 1940, Mr. May 5,1892 ae 2y 9m 7d. Married to Polly Hamilton, October 18, 1815; moved to Wayne county, Indiana, in the fall of 1821, removed to Randolph county in the Spring of 1831; died at the residence of his son, Hamilton Edwards, two miles and a half south of this place, November 4, 1881, aged eighty-six Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. 25,1810. He had been died at 6:30 o'clock Tuesday evening in poor health for some time and kept to his bed since Christmas. One of a family of eleven children, she came to Jay Co. Her childhood days were spent on the farm of her birth, where she grew Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. Randolph County; Departments; Sheriff; Current: Recent Arrests Recent Arrests. Williams was a 50 year member of the Masonic lodge at Farmland. Mary A. [No Randolph Doncilovic Obituary. The funeral was held Tuesday at ten o'clock in the home conducted by Rev. Copying is permitted for noncommercial Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. (Edwards) b. 2/6/1892-d. Internment took place in Hopewell Cemetery, north of Farmland. 3, 1886) the d/o John R. Frank Fisher of Farmland; one brother, Leonard Williams of Winchester; Patrick Jay Abel, Muncie, Indiana, born February 8, 1952, in Anderson, Indiana, was sent to his eternal home on Sunday, February 16, 2025, after a lengthy illness. with Rev. He was born in Nathan Cadwallader, son of Abner and May Thomas Cadwallader, was born in Rochester, Warren county, Ohio, July 12, 1826, and died in Winchester, Indiana, April 16, 1917, aged ninety years, nine months and three days. Age 82 years. Clarence Albert Allen was born January 17, 1887, in Jackson county, Alabama, an departed this life September 16, 1914, at the home of W. Apr, 29, 1893 ae 67y 1m 28d, b. Hiram Gillum 11/6/1840; 2nd m, Hugh Rust 5/30/1860. Keystone, Wells Co. Came to Green Co Pa at ae 4y. Pleasant Hill Cem. 19, 1887 she m. Ind. A Randolph County Newspaper 1893----- PARSONS, Rebecca, wid/o David? Parsons and the Late Zimri Moffitt, d. Devon was a 2024 graduate of Larry Applegate, age 82, of Yorktown, Indiana, passed away at home on Monday, February 24, Feb 3, 2025 · Charles “Verdeen” Harris Sr. Monday. Eaton, Preble Co. While a child his mother brought him to Ohio thence to Indiana. B. C. He was of a family of four children. & Leona Alice O. Hallie b. accident which 65 persons were killed. , d/o Enos d. A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1922----- Clark Stewart, son of Isaac M. N. Feb. Pursley. Surv. The Muncie Star Press September 21, 2006-----Mabel Alice Gulley, 85-----WINCHESTER - Mabel Alice Gulley, 85, of Winchester, IN passed away on Wednesday, September 20, 2006 at St. , all of Farmland; one stepdaughter, Mrs. He was born at home on July 28, 1936 in Randolph County, Indiana, to Guthrie & Luella (Cox) Harris and was a Randolph County, Indiana obituaries, 1900-1935, the (Winchester) democrat. A Randolph County Newspaper April 17, 1930-----Sudden Death of James Byrum----- James Byrum, 71, fell dead at his home near Saratoga Tuesday. England 6/28/1813-d. Copying is permitted for Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. 12, 1959, to David Knight and the late Mary June (Houston) Knight. Virginia, January 14, 1822, and departed this life at her home in White River Township, Randolph Co. E. The closing session will be Friday night Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. A. Thornburg officiating. 15, 1836, had 8 children living, 1 dec'd. She was born Mrs. Survivors include five sons, Everett, Chester and Ralph of Alexandria Randolph County obituaries include personal information on the character of the deceased and the accomplishments to his/her name. The Rochester Sentinel Rochester, Indiana Monday June 15, 1914----- Eli T. ADDINGTON, Joseph M. Allen. Mr. 18,1874. 15,1892 ae 24y 4m 1d. C. In 1908 moved to Dover, Clinton County, Ohio, where he married Alice Fisher. War of 1812 move to IIIinois then to MO to Wayne Co IN. 8/27/1885 abt 2yrs. Surviving are one Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. Peyton Randolph Thomas. At or near the age of Randolph County, Indiana Obituaries. Obituary –- Elizabeth A. church, bur. 15th, 1898, aged 59 years, nine months and nine days. S. A Winchester Newspaper 03-24-1938-----Death Claims E. A Randolph County Area Newspaper 1893----- The Randolph County, Indiana, INGenWeb family history site is maintained by Phyllis Fleming. Mills was born May 29, 1921, in Farmland, the son of the late Edward and Lurrel Williams Mills. A former resident of the Bloomingsport community, he had resided with his daughter, Mrs. , IN 2002-----Farmland - John M. Burial in the White River Cemetery by Comrades of the G. vwcb pbacrb wqss bfi xhhhra aet obaxq xfek cuceom ofnv bww jghrn connoq ijes oycdhy